Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The way birds cock their head in curiosity
The way leaves on a tree hang furiously onto their limb in a storm
The way a mother kisses her newborn child
The way rain droplets make ripples in a pond
The way little kids giggle
The way clouds drift
The way a field of grass dances
The way the back of a man's neck feels
The way the stars shine in the country
The way hot tea smells
The way flowers make me feel beautiful
The way that fire demands your attention
The way a father smiles on his daughter's wedding day
The way my cat thinks he owns me
The way an amped up bass resonates inside your chest cavity
The way a book makes you feel like you've lived its story
The way a stranger smiles awkwardly
The way worms bury into even the most solid ground
The way winter makes you want to bundle under your covers at night
The way breakfast smells at 7:30 in the morning on Saturday
The way the hue of sunlight changes throughout the course of a day
The way the perforated cardboard on top of a kleenex box peels off
The way an old man looks smoking a pipe
The way ice cycles hang
The way the wind feels against my neck when my hair is pulled up in a mess

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